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2022_LucasDeMouraQuadros_tcc.pdfTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso 2,95 MBAdobe PDFver/abrir
Título: Kinematic predictive control for trajectory of a robotic manipulator
Autor(es): Quadros, Lucas de Moura
Orientador(es): Borges, Geovany Araújo
Assunto: Cinemática das máquinas
Data de apresentação: 11-Mai-2022
Data de publicação: 10-Abr-2023
Referência: QUADROS, Lucas de Moura. Kinematic predictive control for trajectory of a robotic manipulator. 2022. 75 f., il. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Mecatrônica) — Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2022.
Abstract: Robotics is a very wide field that involves diverse engineering types, computer science, mathematics and so on. There are multiple tools that enable to work with robotics, even in simulation environments. One important aspect of a robotic system is the fulfillment of a geometrical task, in a specific period of time. Even if the assignment is not feasible within the requested time, it is important to maintain the satisfaction of the geometrical task. In this context, this work consists in exert the kinematic control of a redundant robot manipulator, using dual quaternion algebra. Two kinds of controllers were developed: one is known as the Local method, which only considers information related to the current state of the robot, while the other takes into account the future evolution of the task in order to compute the control law. A scaling factor was also considered, which enables to make the task more flexible in terms of the total time requested to satisfy it. Both the kinds of controllers applied the scaling factor, in which for one of the two trajectories tested, the Model predictive control (MPC) produced a higher scaling factor, while for the other one, the Local method provided a lower scaling factor. Different physical quantities were also taken into account and compared. It was possible to analyze the advantages of the MPC controller towards the Local method. Without considering a scaling factor, a simpler MPC controller was developed, in order to compare its performance with a proportional controller based in a different error metric.
Informações adicionais: Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação) — Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, 2022.
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Aparece na Coleção:Engenharia Mecatrônica

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