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Título: Ablation study of AC2CD hyperparameters
Autor(es): Lima, Rafael Henrique Nogalha de
Orientador(es): Ralha, Célia Ghedini
Assunto: Inteligência artificial
Aprendizado de máquina
Redes de atenção a grafos (GAT)
Data de apresentação: 14-Jul-2023
Data de publicação: 9-Out-2023
Referência: LIMA, Rafael Henrique Nogalha de. Ablation study of AC2CD hyperparameters. 2023. 19 f., il. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Bacharelado em Ciência da Computação) — Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2023.
Abstract: This article presents an ablation study for Deep Reinforce- ment Learning (DRL) with a case of the Actor-Critic Architecture for Community Detection (AC2CD), developed upon DRL and Graph At- tention Networks (GAT). The ablation study method is sustained by the explainable artificial intelligence approach, including execution time, memory, and GPU usage to assess the AC2CD performance. The datasets used in the experiments include two real-world data. The first is an email network between members of a European research institution (Email-Eu) with 1, 005 nodes, 25, 571 edges, and 42 communities, available on the Stanford Snap Project. The second is a High School contact and friend- ship network in Marseilles, France, in December 2013 with 329 nodes, 45, 047 edges, and nine communities, available on Socio Patterns Website. The three hyperparameters used to analyze the architecture execution are the learn rate, batch size, and n games, varying from 10%, 30%, 50%, and 70%. With the achieved experimental results, we find a set of hy- perparameters with optimal balance contributing to analysis that might interest the DRL and GAT communities for each analyzed dataset.
Informações adicionais: Trabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação) — Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Ciências Exatas, Departamento de Ciência da Computação, 2023.
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Aparece na Coleção:Ciência da Computação

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