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dc.contributor.advisorAssis, André Pacheco de-
dc.contributor.authorMihsen, Vinícius Qasem Rodrigues-
dc.identifier.citationMIHSEN, Vinícius Qasem Rodrigues. Uso de telas de impacto para contenção de blocos de rocha. 2016. xvi, 105 f., il. Trabalho de conclusão de curso (Bacharelado em Engenharia Civil)—Universidade de Brasília, Brasília, 2016.pt_BR
dc.descriptionTrabalho de conclusão de curso (graduação)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Tecnologia, Departamento de Engenharia Civil e Ambiental, 2016.pt_BR
dc.description.abstractAcidentes geotécnicos são encarados pela humanidade desde seu surgimento. Ao longo da história o homem foi aprendendo a conviver com esses acidentes, chegando em alguns casos a desenvolver soluções que foram verdadeiras precursoras para obras de engenharia contemporâneas. Embora o estudo da Geotecnia seja algo relativamente recente, do início do século XX, tendo Karl Terzaghi como seu maior expoente, as obras de terra são tão antigas quanto a própria existência humana (LEROUEIL; HIGHT, 2003). Esses acidentes que assolam a humanidade se caracterizam pelo seu poder destrutivo e relação com os ambientes em que eles ocorrem. Regiões montanhosas de climas temperados ou tropicais tentem a conviver com quedas de fragmentos de rocha provenientes das encostas dessas montanhas. As causas dessas quedas podem ter origem natural, em decorrência da atividade geológica e eventos meteorológicos, ou devido a ação antrópica, situação que tem se agravado com o advento das ferrovias, mineração, desenvolvimento do automóvel e ocupações em áreas inadequadas. A queda de blocos, mesmo não envolvendo grandes volumes, proporcionalmente, causa grandes danos, e sua imprevisibilidade e dependência de parâmetros de caráter randômico, conferem ainda mais dificuldades para o entendimento do assunto. O uso de ferramentas computacionais e a adição de tratamentos estatísticos (como simulações de Monte Carlo) somaram confiabilidade as conclusões acerca desses eventos, fornecendo melhores insumos para a realização de análises mais maduras. Neste trabalho analisou-se um acidente ocorrido nos EUA no ano de 2009 a fim de estabelecer as características cinéticas da trajetória, com o uso do software, RocFall da Rocsience Inc. Após a análise computacional e em posse dos dados dimensionou-se um sistema composto por telas de impacto a fim de evitar a reincidência de acidentes com blocos que se desprenderam da encosta.There is no doubt whatsoever that geological accidents are faced by the humanity since its appearance. Throughout the history, the man learned how to coexist with such problems, developing, in some cases, really interesting solutions, that can be considered as the precursor of solutions used nowadays. Besides the fact that Geotechnics is a subject relatively new, since the beginning of the 20th century, with Karl Terzaghi as the most important researcher, the earth builds are as old as the human existence (LEROUEIL; HIGHT, 2003). Their destructive power and the relation to the environment where they happen characterize these accidents that plague the humanity. Mountain regions in tropical or temperate zones, tends to live with recurrent rockfalls originated in the slopes. The causes of the falls might have natural origins, due the geological and meteorological activity, or due the anthropogenic factors with their influence increasing since the advent of the railways and trains, mining, developing of the automobilist industry and the disordered occupancy of hazard areas. Rockfall evens not always are related with big volumes or masses, either way, it causes severe damages. The randomness of the parameters involved in the event is another challenge that has to be faced for the full understandings of the subject. The use of computational and statistical tools (such as Monte Carlo simulations) added trust for the conclusion that has been reached, providing better inputs for more reliable analysis. This work analyzed an accident in the USA in 2009, expecting to map the kinematics features of the trajectory, supported by the software Rocfall, provided by the Rocscience Inc. In possession of the outputs from the program, a structural measured based in flexible barriers was designed in order to extinguish the reincidence of this kind of accident.pt_BR
dc.rightsAcesso Abertopt_BR
dc.subject.keywordMecânica das rochaspt_BR
dc.subject.keywordImpacto ambiental - avaliaçãopt_BR
dc.titleUso de telas de impacto para contenção de blocos de rochapt_BR
dc.title.alternativeUse of protection barriers in slopes subjected to rockfall hazardspt_BR
dc.typeTrabalho de Conclusão de Curso - Graduação - Bachareladopt_BR
dc.description.abstract1There is no doubt whatsoever that geological accidents are faced by the humanity since its appearance. Throughout the history, the man learned how to coexist with such problems, developing, in some cases, really interesting solutions, that can be considered as the precursor of solutions used nowadays. Besides the fact that Geotechnics is a subject relatively new, since the beginning of the 20th century, with Karl Terzaghi as the most important researcher, the earth builds are as old as the human existence (LEROUEIL; HIGHT, 2003). Their destructive power and the relation to the environment where they happen characterize these accidents that plague the humanity. Mountain regions in tropical or temperate zones, tends to live with recurrent rockfalls originated in the slopes. The causes of the falls might have natural origins, due the geological and meteorological activity, or due the anthropogenic factors with their influence increasing since the advent of the railways and trains, mining, developing of the automobilist industry and the disordered occupancy of hazard areas. Rockfall evens not always are related with big volumes or masses, either way, it causes severe damages. The randomness of the parameters involved in the event is another challenge that has to be faced for the full understandings of the subject. The use of computational and statistical tools (such as Monte Carlo simulations) added trust for the conclusion that has been reached, providing better inputs for more reliable analysis. This work analyzed an accident in the USA in 2009, expecting to map the kinematics features of the trajectory, supported by the software Rocfall, provided by the Rocscience Inc. In possession of the outputs from the program, a structural measured based in flexible barriers was designed in order to extinguish the reincidence of this kind of accident.pt_BR
Aparece na Coleção:Engenharia Civil

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